Makassar Pharmaceutical Science Journal (MPSJ) <p>Makassar Pharmaceutical Science Journal &nbsp;merupakan salah satu jurnal yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Muslim Indonesia yang terbit pertama kali pada bulan Maret 2023. Makassar Pharmaceutical Science Journal &nbsp;merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang terbit secara on-line dan menerbitkan artikel atau karya ilmiah hasil penelitian dalam bidang farmasi sains.</p> PHARMACY UMI JOURNAL SYSTEM en-US Makassar Pharmaceutical Science Journal (MPSJ) 2987-0887 STUDI PENEGTAHUAN MASYARAKAT TENTANG PENGGUNAAN ANTIBIOTIK DIDESA MANAKKU,KECAMATAN LABAKKANG KABUPATEN PANGKAJENE DAN KEPULAUAN <p>Antibiotika adalah obat untuk mencegah dan mengobati infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri, penggunaannya yang tidak tepat selain menjadi pemborosan secara ekonomi juga berbahaya secara klinik, yaitu menyebabkan resistensi bakteri terhadap antibiotik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengetahuan masyarakat di Desa Manakku tentang penggunaan antibiotik Responden yang digunakan oleh peneliti yaitu masyarakat yang berdomisili di desa manakku kecamatan labakkang kabupaten pangkajene dan kepulauan dengan proyeksi jumlah penduduk 1.400 jiwa. Setelah di kategorikan berdasarkan dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi sehingga diperoleh data akhir untuk responden yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut yaitu 71 responden. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat tentang penggunaan antibiotik di Desa Manakku sebagian besar responden yaitu 32 responden dengan (45,0%) memiliki pengetahuan cukup. Angka ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahun responden tersebut masuk tergolong cukup.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> novita annur ramadhani Bayu Putra Dewi Yuliana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 2 2 220 234 MEDICINE STORAGE PROFILE IN THE WAREHOUSE OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL INSTALLATION OF THE MANAKARRA MAMUJU PARTNER HOSPITAL, WEST SULAWESI <p>Pharmaceutical services in hospitals including the management of pharmaceutical supplies including drug storage to pay attention to storage so that errors do not occur during the drug storage process and drug storage is a very important step in maintaining the quality of medicines. Drug storage must guarantee the quality and safety of the drug in accordance with pharmaceutical requirements. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of drug storage in the Pharmacy Installation Warehouse at Mitra Manakarra Mamuju Hospital, West Sulawesi and its compliance with regulations in force in Indonesia. This study used a descriptive method by conducting interviews and observations. The respondents in this study consisted of the person in charge of the pharmacy and the person in charge of the warehouse at the Pharmacy Installation at Mitra Manakarra Hospital Mamuju, West Sulawesi. Collecting data in research by means of observation, interviews and data analysis. Analysis Percentage of storage areas in good condition with a yield value of 93.1%, storage areas for narcotics, psychotropics and precursors in good condition with a yield value of 100%, method and system aspects in good condition with a yield value of 91.6% and stock cards in good condition with yield values 90%.</p> Resky Nov Hokilia Hendra Herman A. hasrawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-20 2024-08-20 2 2 235 250 Prescription Profile Of Gastritis Drug Use In Outpatients At Batara Guru Belopa Hospital In January-March 2023. <p>Gastritis is a stomach disease caused by inflammation of the stomach wall. That is why gastritis is often referred to as inflammation of the stomach. The causes of gastric disorders include infection with <em>Helicobacter pylori</em> bacteria, side effects of using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), poor lifestyle, and prolonged stress. This study aims to determine the prescription of gastritis drugs in outpatients at Batara Guru Belopa Hospital based on patient characteristics (age and gender), as well as to see the suitability and classification of gastritis drugs which include dose and frequency, drug type parameters, drug combinations, and drug interactions prescribed. The method in this study is descriptive research with retrospective research data type. The sample used in this study used purposive sampling method with sampling based on inclusion criteria where 314 gastritis prescription sheets were obtained. Based on the results obtained, it was found that female patients had a greater percentage than men with 208 prescriptions (66.24%), while the largest age group of gastritis patients was the late adulthood age group with ages 35-54 having the largest percentage of 26.75%. The use of gastritis drugs based on the most prescribed type of single therapy is Omeprazole as many as 79 prescriptions (49.69%), the most prescribed type of two drug combination therapy is Omeprazole and Sucralfat as many as 47 prescriptions (31.97%), and for the type of three drug combination therapy the most prescribed is Omeprazole + Ranitidine + Sucralfat (42.85%).</p> Dian Indri Muris Hendra Herman A. hasrawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 2 2 251 264 PROFIL PENGELOLAAN OBAT DI RSKD IBU DAN ANAK SITI FATIMAH KOTA MAKASSAR <p>Pengelolan obat merupakan pelayanaan manajerial rumah sakit yang merupakan suatu siklus kegiatan dimulai dari pemilihan, perencanaan kebutuhan, pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, pendistribusian, pemusnahan dan penarikan, pengendalian, serta administrasi yang diperlukan bagi kegiatan Pelayanan Kefarmasian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menyajikan data tentang pegelolaan obat dalam bentuk deskriptif di RSKD Ibu dan Anak Siti Fatimah Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kombinasi kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang disajikan secara deskriptif.&nbsp; Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Profil Pengelolaan Obat di RSKD Ibu dan Anak Siti Fatimah Kota Makassar untuk tahap Pemilihan, Perencanaan Kebutuhan, Pengadaan, Pendistribusian, Pemusnahan dan Penarikan, Pengendalian, dan Administrasi telah sesuai dengan regulasi yang berlaku dengan persentase kesesuaian mencapai 100% dan termasuk dalam kriteria Sangat Baik, sedangkan untuk tahap Penerimaan hanya mencapai persentase kesesuaian 77,77% dan termasuk dalam kriteria Baik, dan untuk Penyimpanan hanya mencapai persentase kesesuaian 92,98% dan termasuk dalam kriteria Sangat Baik. Kesimpulan pengelolaan obat di RSKD Ibu dan Anak Siti Fatimah belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan standar regulasi Permenkes Nomor 72 Tahun 2016 Tentang Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit dan Petunjuk Teknis Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit Tahun 2019.</p> Mohammad Septiansyah Miftahul Said A. Mumtihanah Mursyid Aztriana Aztriana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-20 2024-08-20 2 2 265 274 ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY TEST OF THE ETHANOL EXTRACT OF AVOCADO SEED (Persea americana Mill.) USING THE FRAP METHOD <p>Avocado seeds (Persea americana Mill.) are a plant that is useful as a traditional medicine. The ethanol extract of avocado seeds contains several secondary metabolite compounds, namely alkaloids, triterpenoids, tannins, flavonoids and saponins. The aim of this research was to determine the antioxidant activity contained in avocado seed extract (Persea americana Mill.). using the FRAP method which was measured with a UV-Vis spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 794 nm. Extraction of avocado seeds (Persea americana Mill.) using the maceration method using 96% ethanol solvent. The results show that the antioxidant activity of the ethanol extract of Avocado Seeds is 42.448 mgQE/g of extract, which means that every 1 gram of ethanol extract of avocado seeds (Persea americana Mill.) is equivalent to 42,488 mg of quercetin.</p> Indah Kartika Ohorela St. Maryam Asriani Suhaenah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-20 2024-08-20 2 2 275 283 POLA PENGGUNAAN ANTIBIOTIK PADA PASIEN TUBERKULOSIS DI PUSKESMAS PEKKAE KABUPATEN BARRU SULAWESI SELATAN PERIODE JANUARI – DESEMBER 2022 <p><strong>ANDI AHMAD SYAHRUL</strong>, This study aims to determine the pattern of antibiotic use in tuberculosis patients at the Pekkae Health Center, Barru in 2022. The method used is an observation method using a sampling technique, namely total sampling. The results showed that the dominant male patients were 59.1%; aged 45-54 and 55-64 as much as 22.72%. The use of drugs was adjusted to the patient's weight with intensive phase treatment of 3 2KDT tablets which was 50% then 4 4KDT tablets and 4 2KDT tables which were 27.27% then 3 4KDT tablets and 4 2KDT tablets which were 13.63% and 2 4KDT tablets and 2 2KDT tablets as much as 9.1%. The conclusion in this study is that the use and suitability of OAT is based on the TB control guidelines of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2016, which was used in 3 patients who had an increase in the number of tablets taken in combination doses and 1 patient there was a decrease in the number of tablets taken in combination doses and the pattern of using drugs with a fixed dose combination containing rifampicin 150 mg, isoniazid 75 mg, pyrazinamide 400mg, ethambutol 275 mg</p> Dewi Yuliana Bayu Putra Andi Ahmad Syahrul ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-20 2024-08-20 2 2 284 291 potensi ekstrak alga merah jenis Eucheuma cottoni sebagai antibakteri <p>One type of algae cultivated in Indonesia is the red algae <em>Eucheuma cottoni</em>. Red algae are able to produce active metabolite ingredients to protect themselves from attacks by disease and predators. Initially, algae was only used for vegetables and it was not known what substances were contained in algae. As time goes by, knowledge about algae continues to grow. The red algae <em>Eucheuma cottoni</em> contains the chemical carrageenan, a polysaccharide compound produced from various types of red algae that has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anticoagulant and other biological activities. This research aims to determine the potential of red algae extract as an antibacterial. This research uses a literature study approach where references are obtained through 4 data bases, namely Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct and Garuda, then based on the search, 8 journals are obtained that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Based on the results of literature studies, it was found that red algae extract has antibacterial activity against the bacteria <em>Salmonella thypi, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacilus subtilis</em>, <em>and Escherichia coli</em>.</p> <p><strong>Key words</strong>: (Antibacterial, <em>Eucheuma cottoni</em>, Red Algae).</p> susanti faridah Siska Nuryanti Rusli Rusli ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-20 2024-08-20 2 2 292 298 SCREENING TEST ON THE ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF THE n-HEXANE FRACTION OF LEMERAH LEAVES (Cymbopogon citrantus) AGAINST BACTERIA CAUSING SKIN INFECTIONS <p>Indonesia as a tropical country has a diversity of biological natural resources. This diversity is very beneficial, especially with the large number of plant species that can be used as medicine. One plant that is believed to be used as medicine is lemongrass which has lush and dense leaves. Lemongrass leaves (<em>Cymbopogon citratus</em>) is one of the medicinal plants and can be used as a kitchen spice. Lemongrass plants are very easy to find in Indonesia and contain alkaloids, saponins, tannins, polyphenols, flavonoids, and essential oils. Saponins and essential oils are the main group of chemicals that can exert activity against microbes. This study aims to conduct a screening test of antibacterial activity of the n-hexan fraction of lemongrass leaves (<em>Cymbopogon citrantus</em>) against bacteria that cause skin infections. This research method was conducted experimentally to test the antibacterial activity of lemongrass leaves by screening test. The results in this study, the n-hexan fraction of lemongrass leaves can inhibit the growth of test bacteria <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>, <em>Pseudomonas aureginosa</em>, <em>Staphylococcus epidermidis</em>, and <em>Propionibacterium acne</em>. It can be concluded that lemongrass leaves (Cymbopogon citrantus) have antibacterial activity.</p> Nabilah Hana Priatna Siska Nuryanti Rusli Rusli ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-21 2024-08-21 2 2 299 306 Analysis of Polyphenol Compound Levels from Tea Leaves of Cacao Plants (Theobroma cacao L.) by UV-Vis Spectrophotometry <p>. Cocoa leaves (Theobroma cacao L.) contain secondary metabolites such as polyphenol compounds, flavanoids, saponins and tannins which are the largest group of phenolic compounds that act as antioxidant compounds. This study aims to determine the levels of polyphenolic compounds produced from cocoa leaf tea preparations (Theobroma cacao L.) based on the comparison of growing places, namely the Wajo, Jeneponto and Malino regions. Quantitative analysis using UV-Vis spectrophotometric method. based on qualitative analysis by Thin Layer Chromatography method using mobile phase n- hexanes: ethyl acetate: methanol with a ratio (2: 7: 2).&nbsp; Based on the results showed that the preparation of cocoa leaf tea (Theobroma cacao L.). As well as quantitative analysis measured at a maximum wavelength of 768 nm with gallic acid comparator standard. Tea samples contain polyphenolic compounds based on the Rf value equivalent to gallic acid comparator of 0.6. based on the analysis of levels from the Wajo area of 16.238 mgGAE/g, Jeneponto area 18.102 mg/GAE/g, and Malino area 6, 752 mgGAE/g and rf value of gallic acid comparator 0.630; rf value of samples from Jeneponto area 0.6; Wajo 0.6 and Malino 0.615. From the above results, it can be concluded that there are polyphenol compounds in tea samples from each region and the largest polyphenol content is found in the Jeneponto area.</p> Nilma Sri Desi St. Maryam Masdiana Tahir ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-21 2024-08-21 2 2 307 316 Analysis of UV protection activity of ethanol extract of cacao leaves (Theobroma cacao L.) based on Sun Protection Factor value. <p>UV rays have a bad impact on the skin, but they can be minimized by using ingredients that are UV protective. Sunscreen can be obtained from natural ingredients, one of which is Cocoa Leaves (Theobroma cacao L.) which contains flavonoid and phenolic compounds. The aim of this research was to determine the UV protection activity of ethanol extract of cocoa leaves (Theobroma cacao L.) originating from the Malino, Jeneponto and Wajo areas based on the Sun Protection Factor value. Measurement of the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) value using the UV-Vis Spectrometry method was measured at wavelengths of 290, 295, 300, 305, 310, 315 and 320 nm. The results showed that the ethanol extract of cocoa leaves (Theobroma cacao L.) had UV protection activity for the Malino area at a concentration of 0.01% of 3.25 (minimum protection), a concentration of 0.03% of 10.34 (maximum protection). , 0.05% concentration of 17.10 (ultra protection). For the Jeneponto area, the 0.01% concentration is 3.88 (minimum protection), the 0.03% concentration is 12.3 (maximum protection), the 0.05% concentration is 20.18 (ultra protection) and the Wajo area has a value at a concentration of 0.01% it is 3.38 (minimum protection), a concentration of 0.03% is 10.77 (maximum protection), a concentration of 0.05% is 17.05 (ultra protection). Ethanol extract of cocoa leaves (Theobroma cacao L.) originating from Jeneponto has the greatest UV protection activity with a value of 20.18 with ultra protection ability.</p> Julis Tina Rustam St. Maryam Asriani Suhaenah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-21 2024-08-21 2 2 317 325 ANALISIS KADAR SENYAWA FLAVONOID DARI EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN KAKAO (Theobroma cacao L.) DENGAN PERBANDINGAN DAERAH TEMPAT TUMBUH <p>Cocoa leaves (<em>Theobroma cacao </em>L<em>.</em>) contain active compounds that have many health benefits. Flavonoids are one of the active compounds contained therein that can prevent the formation of free radicals and reduce tissue damage due to inflammation. This study aims to determine the flavonoid content of ethanol extract of cacao leaves (<em>Theobroma cacao </em>L<em>.</em>) based on the comparison of growing regions using the UV-Vis spectophotometric method. Samples were taken from three regions namely Jeneponto, Wajo and Malino. This research method begins with the preparation of samples by maceration with 96% ethanol solvent, then qualitative analysis is carried out by Thin Layer Chromatography (KLT) method and quantitative analysis is carried out measuring quercetin standards and determining flavonoid levels with a UV-Vis spectrophotometer at a maximum wavelength of 430 nm. <em>The </em>results showed that the ethanol extract of cocoa leaves (<em>Theobroma cacao </em>L.) positively contained flavonoids and had flavonoid levels in the Jeneponto, Wajo, Malino regions of 45.812 mgQE/g extract; 41.556 mgQE/g extract, and; 38.343 mgQE/g extract, respectively. Where the ethanol extract of cocoa leaves (<em>Theobroma cacao </em>L.) from the Jeneponto region has higher flavonoid levels than the other two regions.</p> Nurul Faiza Mahmud St Maryam Asriani Suhaenah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-22 2024-08-22 2 2 326 335 AKTIVITAS ANTIINFLAMASI EKSTRAK ETANOL RIMPANG KUNYIT (Curcuma domestica Val.) SECARA IN VITRO <p>Kunyit merupakan salah satu tanaman rempah-rempah yang memiliki berbagai aktivitas farmakologis. Rimpang kunyit (<em>Curcuma domestica </em>Val.)&nbsp; mengandung kurkumin dan minyak atsiri yang bermanfaat sebagai antioksidan, antiinflamasi, dan antibakteri. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui potensi rimpang kunyit sebagai antiinflamasi secara <em>in vitro</em>&nbsp; menggunakan metode penghambatan denaturasi protein. Penggunaan metode ini karena salah satu penyebab inflamasi adalah terjadinya denaturasi protein pada jaringan sel tubuh. Hasil uji berupa persentase inhibisi dengan nilai 38,38% pada konsentrasi 10 ppm hingga 46,51% pada konsentrasi 50 ppm. Persentase inhibisi &gt;20% menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak dapat menghambat denaturasi protein. Perhitungan IC<sub>50 </sub>menunjukkan&nbsp; nilai sebesar 46,87 μg/mL. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol 96% rimpang kunyit memiliki potensi sebagai antiinflamasi.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> ANDI AMALIA RAMADHANI RAHMAN St. Maryam Rais Razak ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-22 2024-08-22 2 2 336 343 Penentuan Kadar Fenolik, Tanin, Flavonoid, dan Saponin Ekstrak Etanol Daun Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.) <p>The kenikir plant is a tropical plant originating from Latin America that can easily grow in various places. The use of kenikir leaves (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.) as a medicinal plant has been widely used. People usually use kenikir leaves as traditional medicine. Kenikir leaves are extracted by maceration method using 96% ethanol solvent after which a liquid extract is obtained and then evaporated using a rotavapor so that a thick extract is obtained. This study aims to analyze the levels of phenolic compounds, tannins, flavonoids, and saponins contained in kenikir leaves (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.). Determination of levels using UV-Vis spectrophotometric method. The ethanol extract of kenikir leaves (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.) contains phenolic compounds, tannins, flavonoids, and saponins with the levels of each phenolic compound, tannins, flavonoids, and saponins respectively as follows: 43.592 mgGAE/g, 40.639 mgEAT/g, 36.319, and 142.527 mgSE/g.</p> Zainal Abidin Aminah Aminah Rais Razak Andi Yuyun Eka Putri Murti Nurhidayah M Aridha A ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-22 2024-08-22 2 2 344 355 UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN DARI TEH DAUN TANAMAN KAKAO (Theobroma cacao L.) BERDASARKAN TEMPAT TUMBUH DENGAN METODE PEREDAMAN RADIKAL BEBAS DPPH <p>Tanaman kakao merupakan salah satu tanaman yang digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai obat tradisional. Daun tanaman kakao mengandung metabolit sekunder yaitu flavonoid,saponin dan tanin serta mengandung senyawa fenolat, yang juga memiliki peran sebagai antioksidan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan dan menganalisa IC50 dari teh daun tanaman kakao (<em>Theobroma cacao</em> L.) dengan menggunakan metode DPPH <em>(2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil)</em>. Sampel yang digunakan berasal dari tiga daerah yaitu Jeneponto, Wajo, dan Malino. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa sediaan teh daun kakao (<em>Theobroma cacao</em> L.) memiliki aktivitas sebagai antioksidan. Nilai IC50 sediaan teh daun kakao (<em>Theobroma cacao</em> L.) Jeneponto sebesar 187,946 µg/mL, Wajo 309,629 µg/mL, dan Malino sebesar 314,055 µg/mL dengan kategori klasifikasi sangat lemah. Sediaan teh daerah Jeneponto memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang lebih baik dari dua daerah lainnya.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: Antioksidan, DPPH (<em>2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil</em>), <em>Theobroma cacao</em> L., Kuarsetin.</p> Nurizzah Aulia Syam St. Maryam Muzakkir Baits ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 2 2 356 364 UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN PADA EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN KAKAO (Theobroma cacao L.) DENGAN PERBANDINGAN BERDASARKAN TEMPAT TUMBUH DENGAN METODE PEREDAMAN RADIKAL BEBAS DPPH <p>Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang mengandung senyawa metabolit <br>sekunder yaitu flavonoid, saponin dan tanin. Secara empiris daun kakao digunakan sebagai antioksidan. <br>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol daun kakao (Theobroma <br>cacao L.) dengan perbandingan berdasarkan tempat tumbuh menggunakan metode peredaman radikal <br>bebas DPPH (2,2-Difenil-1-Pikrilhidrazil) dengan parameter nilai IC50. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, <br>hasil uji kualitatif menunjukkan adanya metabolit sekunder yang terkandung dalam esktrak etanol daun <br>kakao seperti alkaloid, fenolik, flavonoid, saponin, dan tanin serta diperoleh nilai IC50 ekstrak etanol daun <br>kakao daerah Jeneponto sebesar 24,658 µg/mL kategori sangat kuat, daerah Malino 59,742 µg/mL <br>kategori kuat, serta Wajo 56,898 µg /mL kategori kuat dengan perbandingan baku pembanding yaitu <br>kuersetin dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 1,882 µg/mL kategori sangat kuat.</p> <p>keyword: Theobroma cacao L., antioksidan, IC50;</p> Muthia Amaliah Salahuddin St. Maryam Masdiana Tahir ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 2 2 365 373